Sample Editing Checklist 2: War of 1812


war 1812,the people of Canda were began to think at Confederation,they also build new fortresses and
Ridew Canel to fight back any future invation by the Usa ,our neighbor to the Sous many of these new structures has became tourist attractions.


1. PREP (Preposition)

1812, America declared war to Britain, which was fighting again France. The Americans burnt York, today’s Toronto, and the British burnt into the White House for get even.

2. SVA (Subject-Verb Agreement)

One of the greatest Aboriginal leaders were named Tecumseh.

Today, Canada celebrate his achievements during the War of 1812.

3. CS (Comma Splice)

The War of 1812 changed the relationship between Canada and America, from that time on each country went its own way, I think it was a good thing.

4. FRAG (Fragment)

After the Treaty of Ghent was signed to end the war. People continued fight in North America for many more months.

In those days the news very slow. Is many months to arrive by boat.


Quietly attacking from behind the trees, the Aboriginals had a different style of fighting from the British and Americans they did not stand in rows taking turns to load their guns to shoot the Americans suffered terribly at the sudden attacks from the Aboriginals who were led by Tecumseh


In 1867, the British North American Act was pass.

Without that event, we will not be a nation today.

By 2017, Canada will be a nation for 150 years.


During the battle of YORK ,the Americans burnt

down York , what is today’s Toronto . They spent six days in the city before withdrawing to New York.The following year,we attacked Washington dc and burnt down the Capitol and the white house.


The original provinces of Cannada did not include ontario, PIE, Qeubec, Now Burnswick, Nuva Scosia, Albarta, sakaschewan, Mantoba, and Britsh Colombia, or any of the Terrorists, Noonavut, Norswest Terrorists, and Yokun.


Teh Rideoau Canel wus bulit ta awoid geting shoot bye Amrican solders form new york alongs teh S.t Lawren riviere btween Montrel an Kingtons.



war 1812,the people of Canda were began to think at Confederation,they also build new fortresses and
Ridew Canel to fight back any future invation by the Usa ,our neighbor to the Sous many of these new structures has became tourist attractions.
During the War of 1812, the people of Canada began to think about/of Confederation. They also built new fortresses and the Rideau Canal to fight back any future invasion by USA, our neighbour to the South. Many of these new structures have become tourist attractions.

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